A useful cheatsheet come in handy
Experiment environment in docker
Setup an Ubuntu environment
- First pull and delopy my Docker image (OS: ubuntu 20.04, shell: zsh, IDE: code-server) from Docker hub
sudo docker pull winstonli96/ubuntu_env:v1.0 sudo docker run --name ENV_NAME -it -p PORT_NUM:8080 winstonli96/ubuntu_env:v1.0 zsh
NOTE: change ENV_NAME and PORT_NUM accordingly
- Then start the IDE
code-server .
and change the password in
. Default password:password
. UseCtrl+P+Q
to close and run the container in background. - Access to your IDE Start a web browser, the IDE is open at
Linux Commands Cheatsheet
: Print the current working directory -
: List files and directories-
ls -a
: List all files and directories, including hidden ones -
ls -l
: List files and directories in long format
cd [directory]
: Change directory-
cd ..
: Go up one directory -
cd ~
: Go to the home directory
mkdir [directory]
: Create a new directory -
rm [file]
: Remove a file-
rm -r [directory]
: Remove a directory and its contents recursively
File Operations
touch [file]
: Create an empty file or update the access and modification times of an existing file -
cp [source] [destination]
: Copy files and directories-
cp -r [source] [destination]
: Copy directories recursively
mv [source] [destination]
: Move or rename files and directories -
cat [file]
: Print the contents of a file -
head [file]
: Display the first few lines of a file -
tail [file]
: Display the last few lines of a file -
grep [pattern] [file]
: Search for a pattern in a file -
wc [file]
: Count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file
Process Management
: Display information about active processes-
ps aux
: Display detailed information about all processes
kill [process_id]
: Terminate a process-
killall [process_name]
: Terminate all processes with a specific name
: Display real-time information about processes
System Information
: Print system information-
uname -a
: Print all system information
: Display disk space usage -
: Display memory usage -
: Display system uptime -
: Display information about logged-in users
ping [host]
: Send ICMP echo requests to a host -
: Display network interface configuration -
: Display network statistics -
ssh [user]@[host]
: Connect to a remote host using SSH -
scp [file] [user]@[host]:[destination]
: Copy files securely between hosts
Package Management
: Package handling utility for Debian-based systems-
apt-get update
: Update the list of available packages -
apt-get install [package]
: Install a package -
apt-get remove [package]
: Remove a package
: Package manager for RPM-based systems (e.g., CentOS, Fedora)
Compression and Archiving
: Create or extract tar archives-
tar -czvf [archive.tar.gz] [file/directory]
: Create a gzip-compressed tar archive -
tar -xzvf [archive.tar.gz]
: Extract a gzip-compressed tar archive
: Create or extract zip archives-
zip [archive.zip] [file/directory]
: Create a zip archive -
unzip [archive.zip]
: Extract a zip archive
chmod [permissions] [file]
: Change the permissions of a file-
chmod +x [file]
: Grant execute permission to a file
chown [user]:[group] [file]
: Change the owner and group of a file
Docker Commands Cheatsheet
docker images
: List all available images -
docker pull [image]:[tag]
: Download an image from a registry -
docker build -t [image_name]:[tag] [path]
: Build an image from a Dockerfile -
docker push [image]:[tag]
: Push an image to a registry -
docker rmi [image]:[tag]
: Remove an image
docker run [image]:[tag]
: Run a container from an image-
docker run -d [image]:[tag]
: Run a container in detached mode -
docker run -p [host_port]:[container_port] [image]:[tag]
: Run a container and map ports -
docker run -v [host_path]:[container_path] [image]:[tag]
: Run a container and mount volumes -
docker run --name [container_name] [image]:[tag]
: Run a container with a specified name
docker ps
: List running containers-
docker ps -a
: List all containers (running and stopped)
docker start [container]
: Start a stopped container -
docker stop [container]
: Stop a running container -
docker restart [container]
: Restart a container -
docker rm [container]
: Remove a stopped container -
docker logs [container]
: Display the logs of a container -
docker exec -it [container] [command]
: Execute a command in a running container
docker network ls
: List available networks -
docker network create [network]
: Create a network -
docker network connect [network] [container]
: Connect a container to a network -
docker network disconnect [network] [container]
: Disconnect a container from a network
docker volume ls
: List available volumes -
docker volume create [volume]
: Create a volume -
docker volume inspect [volume]
: Inspect a volume -
docker volume rm [volume]
: Remove a volume
docker-compose up
: Start containers defined in a Compose file-
docker-compose up -d
: Start containers in detached mode
docker-compose down
: Stop and remove containers defined in a Compose file -
docker-compose ps
: List containers managed by Compose
docker system df
: Show Docker disk usage -
docker system prune
: Remove unused Docker data (containers, networks, images, and volumes) -
docker system prune -a
: Remove all unused Docker data, including unused images
docker login
: Log in to a Docker registry -
docker logout
: Log out from a Docker registry -
docker search [term]
: Search for an image in a Docker registry
docker info
: Display Docker system information -
docker version
: Display Docker version information